miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010


The diet of the black caiman is exclusively carnivorous, eats primarily snails and other mollusks and crustaceans, as well as fish, which still haunts with its mouth open to swallow when put to them. The black caiman is the main natural predator of the thumb. Is able to kill other reptiles and even small mammals if necessary, but avoids doing so by energy consumption involved, except in self-defense or extreme hunger, not aggressive toward humans.

The breeding season is located in early summer, males mark their territory and fight to drive out the weaker specimens. Females roam the area and copulate repeatedly to ensure fertilization of eggs. A little later built a nest with materials found in the area, always near a water surface, where they deposit between 20 and 40 eggs, the nest takes the form of a mound of organic material to one meter in diameter and 6 cm tall.

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